Grailed Engineering Hangout

Early October, I had a chance to give a talk at Grailed, with a title “Healthy Database”, about Heroku Postgres and databases in general to their engineers and friends (thanks for having me, Grailed!).

Grailed is a curated community marketplace for men’s clothing. They’re an NYC based company, have a very nice office and super nice people. They recently launched Heroine, women’s version of Grailed.

You can find my slides here:

I include lots of things that I found from my experience of how to keep the database healthy in the first part, and I explain new features of Heroku Postgres in the second part. Grailed team was very excited about our upcoming feature, server side PGBouncer (please reach out to me if you’re interested in!).

There were two people giving a talk including me, the other speaker was from Algolia (so I got to learn about Algolia too!). They’re men’s fashion company so they have a lot of male engineers, but I was very impressed that both of the speakers were female and appreciated the culture they have.

Special thanks to Camille for some ideas of the talk.