Exploring Central Japan: 5 destination ideas

In late September to early October of 2023, my friend Vivian and I embarked on a memorable journey through Central Japan. This article details our adventures, offering insights for those planning to show foreign friends around or anyone considering a visit to Central Japan.

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Postgres VACUUM and Xmin Horizon

I had a chance to learn about the concept called the “xmin horizon” in Postgres, so I’m leaving a learning memo. The xmin horizon is also called the oldest xmin, and it tells you “until which point (in terms of transactions) the vacuum process can clean up dead rows”. In other words, VACUUM can’t clean up dead rows after this xmin horizon. When you see a log like “1165 are dead but not yet removable”, it means that there were 1165 dead rows, but VACUUM wasn’t able to clean them up because they are after the xmin horizon.…

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How I Got My Green Card

In May 2017, I received my Green Card (the US Permanent Residency Card). This was a long journey and it took about 2 years, so I’d like to explain how I got one and what the journey was like.

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Battle With A Phantom WAL segment

While the Heroku Postgres team were trying to close “the follower hole”, we discovered “phantom WAL1 segments”. This was causing recovering standbys that were trying to replay that segment to crash or enter a retry loop. In this article, I’m going to explain what the follower hole is, what the phantom WAL segment is, and how we tackled it. The phantom WAL segment is a Postgres bug and it is patched with the Postgres release of 2017-08-10.…

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Grailed Engineering Hangout

Early October, I had a chance to give a talk at Grailed, with a title “Healthy Database”, about Heroku Postgres and databases in general to their engineers and friends (thanks for having me, Grailed!). Grailed is a curated community marketplace for men’s clothing. They’re an NYC based company, have a very nice office and super nice people. They recently launched Heroine, women’s version of Grailed. You can find my slides here: https://speakerdeck.…

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